Updated: uClinux BSP for i.MX RT1024
August 16, 2023
We have updated the toolchain in our uClinux BSP for the i.MX RT1024. Now it includes gcc version 11, which provides the following benefits:
- ELF / dynamic linking for user-space applications, which means smaller memory footprint and ability to run more complex apps on lower-cost hardware.
- Support for the hardware Floating Point Unit (FPU). Now the generated code will automatically use the FPU available within the i.MX RT1024, improving the system performance.
The BSP uses the NXP RT1024 EVK board as the reference platform, and we provide a pre-built demo image for free download that you can try on the EVK in under 5 minutes.
Full documentation and application notes are available here: https://emcraft.com/products/1252#docs