

Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite Platform


The Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite is a hardware and software platform that is designed to streamline development of LTE modem, cellular IoT and global connectivity applications. The platform is based on the following Nordic Semiconductor SiP (System-in-Package) devices and components, which, combined together, provide a highly-efficient and customisable hardware and software platform:

  • nRF9151 for LTE-M/NB-IoT and DECT NR+ modem, and GNSS, is the host processor managing the overall application.
  • nRF5340 for Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth mesh, NFC, Thread and Zigbee, is the sub-ordinate, optional processor enabling BT and USB connectivity.
  • PM1300 is the Power Management IC, enabling efficient battery charging, low-power operation and longer run times.

The following is the high-level block diagram of the Emcraft Thingy-9151-Lite platform:

Click to enlarge

Emcraft provides the Zephyr OS BSP (Board Support Package) and Zephyr reference application, with advanced software capabilities, for the Thingy-9151-Lite hardware platform. Software development services are available on demand.



Hardware Resources


Here you will find hardware specifications, design files and various hardware materials describing the Thingy-9151-Lite platform.


Resources Download Version # Date
High-Level Diagrams
Thingy-9151-Lite High-Level Block Diagram
Jun 17, 2024





This page provides access to the Emcraft software releases:


Resource Link Date
Release 0.1-21
Jun 17, 2024



Software Documentation

Contact us

This page provides various documentation materials describing set up of the the Thingy-9151-Lite platform and use of the software distribution.


Resource Subject
Download Date
Getting Started
Setting Up Thingy-9151-Lite Hardware Platform
Jun 17, 2024
Installing Thingy-9151-Lite Images #install
Jun 17, 2024
Building Thingy-9151-Lite Software #build
Jun 17, 2024
Software How-To’s
Using Serial Console and Zephyr Shell #console
Jun 17, 2024
Developing Zephyr BSP and Application Using Nordic Cross Tools


Jun 17, 2024



Thingy-9151-Lite Engineering Services

Contact us

Emcraft provides software development services for the Thingy-9151-Lite:

  • Customization of the software build for custom requirements;
  • Portation of the Zephyr BSP and applications to custom hardware boards;
  • Development, validation and integration of Zephyr device drivers;
  • OTA software updates, with support for redundant boot images and fail-back to previous boot set on update failure;
  • Secure boot;
  • Power consumption optimizations;
  • Customization of target software load and test.

Emcraft provides hardware development services for the Thingy-9151-Lite platform:

  • Review of hardware designs based on the Thingy-9151-Lite reference platform.

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