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Add a Prebuilt ipk Package to the Running Board Print

This application note describes how to add a Yocto (ipk) package to the root filesystem on the target board running Linux.

If you have a prebuilt package (eg iptables_1.4.21-r0_cortexa5hf-vfp-neon.ipk), here is how you can add it to the running target filesystem.

  • If you are adding a Yocto package to this specific unit for the first time, update the Yocto package database:
  • $ for f in `opkg list-installed|awk '{print $1}'`; do; opkg flag installed $f; done

  • List the currently available packages:
  • $ opkg list

  • Using an NFS share, or a USB Flash drive (like in the example below), make the .ipk package accessible to the board:
  • $ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

  • Add a new Yocto package:
  • $ opkg install --force-depends /mnt/iptables_1.4.21-r0_cortexa5hf-vfp-neon.ipk

  • Validate that the package has been added to the Yocto database:
  • $ opkg list | grep iptables