The MikroE Click J4/J4R connector on the STM32H7-BSB-2B, by default, contains the following nets:
- Pin 7. +3.3V: WIFI_3V3
- Pins 8 and 9. GND: GND
For compatibility and more flexibility with different modules, signals to all the other pins are connected via jumpers. The most popular signal configurations are executed by 0.1" 2 Position Shunt Connectors (0.1" Jumpers) on the Interconnect Area zones at P5 and P7. These zones are outlined by the light blue on the below picture:

Refer to the STM32H7-BSB-2A schematics for details on signals at P5, P7, J4, and J4R connectors.
Here some notes on interface configuring:
- Pin 4 of the Click connector shares the main (specified) function of SPI nSS/CS with UART RTS, which is often used in Click modules. Thus, both SPI_nSS and UART_RTS cannot be used at the same time.
- Some modules require UART DSR and UART DTR signals. The STM32H7 UART controllers do not support these signals. These signals should be implemented via GPIOs. GPIOs are provided on Pin 1 and Pin 16 of the Click connector.
- The UART flow control signals RTS and CTS are not specified by the mikroBUS™ standard. The popular pin-outs are the ones where the Click module RTS signal is on Pin 15 or Pin 3 and the CTS signal is on Pin 3 or Pin 15 (signal directions/names here are referred to the module side.) The variant "RTS on Pin 15 and CTS on Pin 2" is easily supported on the STM32H7-BSB-2B via 0.1" jumpers. Other variants can be supported using Jumper Wires Female to Female.
- An analog signal cannot be connected to Pin 1 of the Click connector by a 0.1" Jumper. If an analog signal is required on Pin 1, then a Jumper Wire Female to Female should be used (MIKROE-511 or similar).The STM32H7 analog signals are available on P4. Refer to the STM32H7-BSB-2A schematics for signals details.
Refer to STM32H7 SOM pin-out for detail on alternative functions on the pins.
On the picture below, Pin P7 corresponding to Click Pin 1 is outlined by the orange rectangular and the Analog area in P4 is outlined by the purple rectangular:

Recommended interface connections are shown in the table below:
Click Signal.Pin# |
STM32H7 Signal |
STM32H7 Port |
Connector#.Pin# Closed |
Jumper Position |
MOSI.6 |
PE6 |
P5.1-P5.2 |
1@P5 |
MISO.5 |
PE5 |
P5.3-P5.4 |
2@P5 |
CS.3 |
PE4 |
P5.5-P5.6 |
3@P5 |
SCK.4 |
PE2 |
P5.11-P5.12 |
6@P5 |
TX.13 |
PD6 |
P5.19-P5.20 |
10@P5 |
RX.14 |
PD5 |
P5.21-P5.22 |
11@P5 |
INT.15 |
PD3 |
P5.23-P5.24 |
12@P5 |
CS.3 |
PD4 |
P5.5-P5.7 |
[email protected] |
I2C |
SCL.12 |
I2C4_SCL |
PD12 |
P7.21-P7.22 |
11@P7 |
SDA.11 |
I2C4_SDA |
PD13 |
P7.23-P7.24 |
12@P7 |
AN.1 |
NA |
PD11 |
P7.19-P7.20 |
10@P7 |
PWM.16 |
NA |
PB13 |
P7.17-P7.18 |
9@P7 |
Examples of Connecting Interfaces by Jumpers to Different Click Modules
STM32H7-BSB with the WiFi 11 Click Module
The picture below illustrates the STM32H7-BSB with the WiFi 11 Click module. The jumpers connecting the SPI, UART, and I2C are shown in the pink, orange, and red rectangles, respectively.

STM32H7-BSB with the BLE 4 Click Module
The picture below shows the STM32H7-BSB with the BLE 4 Click module. The jumpers connecting the UART with flow control and additional modem signals are outlined by the orange (UART data), brown (UART RTS), purple (UART CTS), and red (UART DTR and DSR) colors.