Installing U-Boot to the STM32F429 Discovery Board Print


Use the procedure documented below to install the U-Boot firmware to the internal Flash of the STM32F429 on the STM32F429 Discovery board. Having completed the installation, the STM32F429 will run U-Boot as a primary firmware on next reset / power on.

Please note that the installation will erase whatever other firmware may be installed on your STM32F429 Discovery at the moment and install the U-Boot image instead.

Here is the procedure:

  1. Connect a USB type A to Mini-B cable between a Windows PC and the board ST-Link USB connector (CN1). This will also power the target up.
  2. Copy the U-Boot binary file (u-boot.bin) from the Emcraft Linux software distribution to the Windows PC.
  3. On the Windows PC, start the ST LINK Utility. In the ST LINK Utility interface, go to File -> Open file ..., browse to the u-boot.bin file and open it. Make sure the ST LINK Utility reports that the file has been successfully opened:
  4. In the ST LINK Utility interface, go to Target -> Program & Verify ... and make sure that the load address is set to 0x08000000, corresponding to the start of the STM32F429 internal Flash:
  5. Push the Start button to program the U-Boot binary into the internal Flash of the STM32F429. Make sure that that the ST LINK Utility reports that the programming and verification has completed successfully:
  6. Next reset / power-on should bring up the U-Boot command interface to the serial console of the STM32F429. Refer to the Connecting Serial Console to the STM32F429 Discovery application note on how to get access to the serial console port of the STM32F429 Discovery board. The initial U-Boot serial console interface should look as shown below:
  7. U-Boot 2010.03-cortexm-1.14.2 (Sep 04 2015 - 19:58:13)

    CPU : STM32F4 (Cortex-M4)
    Freqs: SYSCLK=180MHz,HCLK=180MHz,PCLK1=45MHz,PCLK2=90MHz
    Board: STM32F429-DISCOVERY Rev 1.A
    DRAM: 8 MB
    In: serial
    Out: serial
    Err: serial
    Net: STM32_MAC
    Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0